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Bowling shirts – Front and/or backside showing MMBC League
The Matthews Memorial Baptist Church family has engaged in recreational fellowship through the years. The sport of bowling began in 1980 with the MMBC Mixed League. Pastor Wendell P. Russell approved a request for the Young Adult Club to have a bowling league. The League met on Friday evenings. Friends and families looked forward to competing and socializing on Fridays. On many evenings, Teams did not leave the Bowling Center until midnight. Afterward, some members would go to breakfast at the International House of Pancakes (IHOP).
The league drew a lot of first-time bowlers. At the bowling program, some of these first-time bowlers won trophies such as “Most Improved,” “First Place,” “Second Place,” “Third Place,” and even “Fourth Place,” winners. They were proud because of the new experience that they faced in the church league.
The league ended after a number of years. Then, a few years later, the league resumed. Church Sisters Malinda Ellerbe and Marguerite Parker who were on the First Bowling Team, continued on, this time wearing these bright yellow shirts with their names, and ”MMBC Mixed League” stitched to the front and back sides. They continued on to win trophies, and to accumulate pins and patches of distinction. Donations by Sister Malinda Ellerbe and Sister Marguerite E. Parker
The league drew a lot of first-time bowlers. At the bowling program, some of these first-time bowlers won trophies such as “Most Improved,” “First Place,” “Second Place,” “Third Place,” and even “Fourth Place,” winners. They were proud because of the new experience that they faced in the church league.
The league ended after a number of years. Then, a few years later, the league resumed. Church Sisters Malinda Ellerbe and Marguerite Parker who were on the First Bowling Team, continued on, this time wearing these bright yellow shirts with their names, and ”MMBC Mixed League” stitched to the front and back sides. They continued on to win trophies, and to accumulate pins and patches of distinction. Donations by Sister Malinda Ellerbe and Sister Marguerite E. Parker
Matthews Memorial Baptist Church
Grant - 12-DCCHP-11
Kelly, Theresa F.
Image Copyright Deacon Elijah Sutton, 2012
The Humanities Council holds the right to display and distribute grant funded materials.
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Washington, DC
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3586x2254 px
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