This documentary was produced by the Capitol Hill Arts Workshop as part of a continuing effort to document the history of the organization and the surrounding neighborhood. Generations of CHAW students and educators were interviewed for the film.…
This film, produced for the 2010 DCCHP Showcase at Tifereth Israel Congregation in Northwest DC, highlights the grantee projects produced during the cycle. The film is separated into categories focusing on: Landmarks, Neighborhoods, and Culture.…
This raw, behind-the-scenes footage of Beverly Lindsay-Johnson's Dance Party: The Teenarama Story shows singer, actress, and city councilwoman Martha Reeves preparing her narration for the film. The 18 minute clip is a unique insight into the…
Carmen James Lane of the Humanities Council of Washington, DC, and Kenneth Carroll of the DC Writers' Corps discuss their collaborations on the Council's City Lights program. City Lights was a program that brought educational programming to residents…