This documentary explores the founding and the impact of the New School for Afro-American Thought founded by Gaston Neal and Don Freeman. The school, founded in Washington, DC, sought to teach black youth about their pre-slavery roots in African…
The program surveys the life of E.B. Henderson the "Grandfather of Black Basketball," and the rise of African-American basketball in Washington, DC in the early 20th century. Born in Washington, DC, Henderson earned a degree in physical education…
This 2009 documentary was produced by the Washington, DC Office of Cable Television to commemorate DC Emancipation Day. The film is a stirring account of African-American history from the colonial period through the Civil-Rights era.
Founder's Library at Howard University is one of the institution's most recognizable structures. The building is on the National Register of Historic Places.
John R. Pinkett, Sr. pictured with his daughter Flaxie Pinkett, to whom he bequeathed his successful real estate and insurance corporation. Under Flaxie Pinkett, the business continued to flourish, and she became a successful entrepreneur in her own…
In this image, Flaxie Pinkett is seated outdoors. She is in her mid-30's during the height of her career as a real estate entrepreneur in Washington, DC.
The 2010 Terrell Forensic Challenge saw DC area high school and university students debating the merits and limitations of vocation and college preparatory study for African-American youth. The classic question reflects the ideologies of Booker T.…
St. Luke's Episcopal Church was organized in 1879 by Alexander Crummel. The church was the first independent black Episcopal parish in Washington, DC. This video, produced in 2009, uses oral history, historic photographs, choral music, and recent…
Produced by filmmaker Tendani Mpulbusi, this documentary explores the rich history of the Barry Farm community within Anacostia, Washington, DC. Additionally, the film questions the standard historical narrative taught in present-day public schools…
This video interview with Lauretta Jackson was recorded in three parts by the Robert and Mary Church Terrell House and LeDroit Park Museum. Ms. Jackson recounts the history of LeDroit Park throughout the time of her occupation there including: her…
One of the first theaters for blacks in the United States when it opened in 1910, the Howard became a focal point for culture and entertainment along the U Street corridor in its heyday. Incorporating oral history, stock footage, and stills, "Howard…
In Search of Common Ground (A City Lights Success Story) is a documentary of voices, experiences, and images of African-American life in the South and in Washington. The film documents the Great Migration and reveals the common origins of many…