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Your DC Digital Museum


Local History


Your DC Digital Museum is a public digital preservation program aimed at making Washington's hidden history accessible. All of the content in this collection was contributed by donors attending Your DCDM events.


Humanities DC

Collection Items

"Techite" 1987 20th Year Class Reunion Book
This is the memory book pamphlet for McKinley High School's 20th Anniversary celebration. The book created in 1987 features letters of welcome to the alumni from President Ronald Reagan, Mayor Marion Barry, and the Superintendent of the District of…

"Techite" 1967 McKinley High School Yearbook
This is the McKinley High School yearbook for the year 1967. It was called "Techite". Its open pages features inscriptions from students for Patricia Ford, and a "Foreword" for the yearbook. Also inserted is copy of the 1987 "20th Year Class Reunion"…

"Purple Wave" 1954 Cardozo High School Yearbook
This is the Cardozo High School yearbook for the year 1954. It was called "Purple Wave." It was probably owned by Martrel Blackwell King according to an inscription on its inside cover. Featured pages include a section recognizing the "Silver…

Photo of Dance Classes at Jones-Haywood School of Ballet
These are two images of students at the Jones-Haywood School of Ballet, an African American dance school. The top photo depicts a dance concert in 1958. The bottom is a class occurring sometime between 1956-1958.

Patricia Ford Neal contributed…

The Dunbar Story (1870-1955) Annotated
This is a book called "The Dunbar Story (1870-1955)" by Mary G. Hundley. It is a history of Dunbar High School and was owned by Laurence E. Graves. It is annotated, possibly by Graves. The notes highlights some of the school's graduates and their…

Laurence E. Graves's 1940 Dunbar High School Yearbook
This is Laurence E. Graves's 1940 yearbook from Dunbar High School, contributed by Patricia Ford Neal, who is his cousin. Graves has annotated the yearbook with clippings of obituaries for his classmates, which were collected between 1992 and 1995.…

Handmade Cloth Dolls
These are two handmade cloth dolls called "pink dress doll and blue dress doll with hats" by its contributor Patricia Ford Neal. These dolls were created by Patricia's mother, Evelyn N. Ford in 1994-1996. They were a wedding gift for a bridesmaid,…

"Barbara" Rubber Doll
A rubber doll called "Mary Jane" by its contributor, Patricia Ford Neal. She acquired the doll sometime between 1956-1958 in her childhood when her aunt gave it to her. Her aunt "sent the doll to Santa Claus" to get hair in the same decade, which the…

"Mary Jane" Porcelain Doll
A porcelain doll called "Mary Jane" by its contributor, Patricia Ford Neal. She acquired the doll in about 1956 in her childhood. Neal recalled that the doll was fragile, which meant that her family allowed her to play with on Christmas day each…

Photo of Patricia Ford and her Sixth Grade Class at John Burroughs Elementary School
This is a photo of Patricia Ford and her Sixth Grade Class at John Burroughs Elementary School from the 1960- 1961 school year.

John Burroughs Elementary School Kindergarten Report Card for Patricia Ford
This a kindergarten grade report for Patricia Ford for the year 1954-1955. It was created by Mrs. Marjorie Beach at John Burroughs Elementary School in the District of Columbia school system. It details the basic subjects for the grade level…

John Burroughs Elementary School Sixth Grade Report Card for Patricia Ford
This a sixth grade report for Patricia Ford for the year 1960-1961. It was created by Robert C. Hogan at John Burroughs Elementary School in the District of Columbia school system. It details the courses available in the school and those courses Ford…

McKinley High School Twelfth Grade Report Card for Patricia Ford
This is a twelfth grade report for Patricia Ford. It was created by McKinley High School of the District of Columbia school system. It details Ford's courses and her performances. The section teacher is listed as Helen C. Wallace, and the principal's…

Taft Sr. High School Eighth Grade Report Card  for Patricia Ford
This an eighth grade report for Patricia Ford. It was created by a teacher at Taft Sr. High School in the District of Columbia school system. It details the courses available in the school and those courses Ford took.

Letter from Ken McClain of the U.S. Weightlifting Federation to Irene Stewart Kellogg
A letter of congratulations from Ken McClain, the Records Chairman, of the U.S. Weightlifting Federation to Irene Stewart Kellogg for setting a new record of 75kgs in the women's 45-49 age group. It accompanied a National Masters Certificate.

Certificate from the U.S. Weightlifting Federation
A photograph of the certificate sent to Irene Stewart Kellogg in 1991 for snatch 32.5 kg in the 45-49 age group. It certifies that she has a National Masters' Record.

Award Plaque from the U.S. Weightlifting Federation
A photograph of the award plaque received by Irene Stewart Kellogg in 1992 for lifting 75 kg in the 45-49 age group from the U.S. Women's Master Program of the U.S. Weightlifting Federation.

Photo of Irene Kellogg
This is a photo of Irene C. Stewart Kellogg as she displays a shirt and medal she won from the U.S. Women's Master Program in weightlifting for lifting 75 kg in the 45-49 age group.

Photo of the Ceremony of Remembrance to Salute Black Patriots of the Revolutionary War
This is a photograph of a historical reenactment in Washington, DC. It is the Presentation of Colors by the 3rd US Infantry, also called the Old Guard. Irene Kellogg took this photo in black and white of the remembrance ceremony to salute Black…

Photo of Washington, D.C. Girl Scouts at a Protest
This is a photo taken by Irene Stewart Kellogg of Princess Mae Richardson and two young girl scouts. They were at a protest against the closing of the 12th street YMCA. The photo was taken at 12th and S Streets NW.

The back side of this photo…

Mr. B.S. Gallimore's Letter to Sister Audrey Louise Brown
This a letter from Mr. B.S. Gallimore to Audrey Louise Brown. Gallimore held the possessions of Audrey Brown's father, Titus Newton Brown, who was possibly a Baptist Minister of Religion in Jamaica. Gallimore wrote this letter from Turrialba, Costa…

Brown Recommendation Letter
This is a letter of recommendation for Audrey Louise Brown written by Carrie E. Pettipher on May 15, 1936 . Pettipher was the office secretary of The National Training School for Women and Girls, Inc. run by Nannie H. Burroughs. The letter lists…
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